Youth Group News (Jan 21, 2021)
Dear all,
We’re well into the swing of things of 2021! It’s hard to believe that January is almost over, but here we are, through the darkest nights of winter and full steam ahead towards Spring! The following are our offerings this week in Church youth groups:
- Forum will be meeting at the usual place and time (7:30-9:00 pm in the Reno Garden parking lot. Dress warm!). We’ll be discussing the allocation of funds from the Janice Wilson Youth Directed Fund, and we want you all to come ready to talk about where that money should go in the community! If you’re interested in advocating for the money going towards a particular organization, please come prepared to give us an overview of the organization, how the money would be used, and why we as a Church should support this cause! If you need a starting point, we’ve prepared a short list of organizations to check out as possible recipients, but don’t feel limited to these options:
Refugee Immigration Ministry (RIM)
Woburn Council for Social Concern
Outdoor Church
Lowell Transitional Living Center (LTLC)
The Children’s Room
Year Up
Mass Coalition for the Homeless
Mission of Deeds
Youth Villages
Haley House
More details, and reminders, to follow via text. We count on seeing you all there!
In addition to our regular offerings, we are happy to announce that I (Jake) will be starting up weekly meetings with our different youth groups, beginning next week (1/25)!
- Forum members are invited to join me at 8:00 until 8:30 am every Monday morning for half an hour to talk about anything that’s on their mind. Come drink tea, coffee, or whatever gets you up and going in the morning and chat with friends before school starts! The link to that meeting is
- Middle school youth group members are invited to join me every Wednesday from 6:00 – 7:00 pm for game night! We’ll be playing games like Minecraft, Among Us, and Fall Guys, and welcome any suggestions for other games we might bring in! Please join our official Discord server at Hope to see you there!
- Stepping Stones are invited to join me from 3:30-4:00 pm for a weekly themed science experiment! We’ll be tying themes from the Bible to each experiment, so come to learn a little and have some fun! The link to that meeting is https://us02web.zoom.u/j/86471652610?pwd=eXI4ZXdKNVNKZnUzbkpRUnBVR0FvQT09.
As always, we thank you all for your continued support through all of this. The children and youth of the Church are so lucky to have such a passionate and caring congregation to call their spiritual home.
Tags: game night, youth