We are worshiping at 10 am by ZOOM this Sunday! We’ll be together in real time to share prayer, song, scripture and communion. Ben will also lead a Time for the Young for any kiddos who would like to join us. At the end of worship we’ll have a virtual Coffee Hour in smaller groups if you’d like to participate. Please
join us at this link and feel free to invite others as well. Set up your home worship spaces for communion, with bread and juice/wine and we’ll share in the Lord’s Supper together. Note that all participants will be muted upon entry, not because we don’t want to hear from you but just to cut down on the noise. There will be a time when we pray together and our administrator will unmute those who would like to offer up prayers.
If you haven’t been on Zoom yet,
visit this link to download and install the app to your desktop. It also works on phones and tablets. Search your App store to download it.
Zoom tutorial video . We will send our usual email 15 minutes before the service with the zoom link, worship bulletin, and further instructions we might have. We look forward to seeing everyone then!