Leadership Team Fall 2019 Update
The Leadership Team (LT) is looking forward to the 2019-2020 church year and to resuming its work in support of the congregation and FCCW’s hard-working ministries.
This year, we will be:
- advancing our thinking in key focus areas (Ripley Chapel programming, Green Congregation plans, and how we might respond to the town’s recent needs assessment)
- developing a five-year FCCW strategic plan
- putting together a working group to prepare a 2020 budget
- working closely with the Steeple Task Force to address the needs of our steeple
- supporting several ministries’ work on parking needs, the implementation of a planned giving program, an update of the staff handbook, the creation of an operations manual, and the development of safe church policies and renewed emergency procedures.
We will, of course, communicate our findings and recommendations on these and other topics to the congregation.
For your information and planning, the LT meetings will be held on the Sundays listed below from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM in the Palmer Room. All are welcome to attend.
- September 22
- October 20
- November 17
- December 15
- January 12
- February 9
- March 15
- April 19
- May 17
- June 14
With gratitude,
—The Leadership Team: Judy Arnold, Will Burhans, Jane Ring Frank, Sarah Gallop, Deirdre Giblin, Bruce Lauterwasser, David Peretti, Ben Pulaski, Marty Rozmanith, Cindy Wankowicz, Jennifer Wilson, Peter Woolford, and Kathleen Zagata