Changes to Morning Worship
Have you noticed some changes to Sunday morning worship?
Here is some of our thinking about it:
New Bulletin: We’ve changed the size, style and design. Why the change?
- The larger size allows for larger font and now we have one bulletin accessible to all.
- The graphic design, based upon our logo, now ties in with the website, business cards, welcome cards, Facebook etc…
- Now there is one insert page and not many multi-colored insert pages falling out into your lap and on the floor.
- On the back of the bulletin there’s room now for an extended welcome to newcomers.
The Passing of the Peace: It’s now passed at the close of the service instead of the opening. Why the change?
- We hope to encourage people to pass the peace of Christ to neighbor, friend and stranger as a final gesture of worship. Having worshipped and received God’s peace, we now offer it to one another.
- The choir can better participate in the passing of the peace since they are often out among the pews at the end of the service.
- Having shared common worship, the passing of the peace then becomes a more inclusive experience for newcomers.
The Anthem stands alone: Instead of being sung during the passing of the offering plates. Why the change?
- We want to encourage the congregation to open themselves to God’s presence during the choir’s anthem instead of engaging in the activity of the offering.
- This opens up the Offertory time for special music. Various musical offerings from congregation members and guests will happen here.
Welcome time is shortened/Announcements limited: The presiding minister welcomes people, offers a few orienting announcements and then moves us directly into the time of silence.
- This allows us to enter into God’s presence more reflectively.
- The announcements are often a reiteration of what’s already written in the insert.
- We are working to contain the length of our service.
Our intent for these changes is to deepen and enhance your worship experience. We welcome your feedback as we live into them this fall.
Grace and Peace,
—Rev. Will Burhans and The Ministry Team