Summer Worship continues this Sunday in the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. We will be contemplating scripture from Ephesians 4, telling us of our unity in Christ, being one Body with many different and diverse parts, yet working together to be the Love of God in our world. We will celebrate Communion, with gluten free elements (although we Will sing about amber waves of grain). Rev. Dr. Ken Orth will serve at Christ’s table, offering a meditation called, “Celebrating Interdependence”. Singing together, “O Beautiful, Our Spacious Skies” and “Help Us Accept Each Other” will honor our celebration of Independence Day here in the United States. As we also honor our dependence upon God for the gift of life itself, and the interdependence we have one to another.
Bible study starts at 9 AM in the Tucker Room. Come to this summer celebration of worship: a little shorter, a little more causal, but with a Spirit of a whole lot of goodness, joy, and love.