This Sunday we celebrate the Rite of Confirmation for 11 church youth. Confirmation affirms the Baptism promises made on their behalf by their parents. To prepare for this step, these youth have had a series of classes that touch on basic Christian beliefs and practices. In the process of those classes, each youth was asked to select a piece of scripture that speaks to them about their faith and their life. We have incorporated these texts in various parts of the service. The text for the sermon is Isaiah 40:28-31. It proclaims God’s faithfulness and compares God’s endurance to ‘even’ that of the young. Obviously a very wise youth selected it. We haven’t forgotten Father’s Day and appreciate the father’s that will be with us, especially the father’s of confirmands. One note: This is the end of the ‘regular’ program year and worship. Next Sunday, June 25, worship will be shorter and more informal. Some traditional elements will be missing – the choir and the organ – but the switch to Lay Preachers and the use of the screen creates opportunities for a rich worship experience.