Honoring God’s Beloved Creation as Climate Ready People of Faith
On Sunday, October 1st, at 10 AM, our worship and communion service this year is being called Earth Communion Sunday. The intrinsic connection between God’s beloved creation and our summons to safeguard it will be joyously celebrated. As Climate Ready People of Faith, we have a unique responsibility to prepare ourselves and future generations to not only face the challenge of climate change – but in particular – build on the hopeful, innovative and resilient responses to this challenge. Greenovate of Boston, Interfaith organizations, local churches, and other faith communities, are committed to joining hands with us as partners and people of conscience.
Following worship that Sunday, an 11th Hour Reception, Luncheon and presentation will be held in Chidley Hall. Everyone is warmly welcomed! Climate Ready Leader – Jessica McArdle – along with her husband, Barry, will share with all of us the outcome of the research that’s been done and the opportunities that we as a people and community are called to.
Come and join us! We can’t wait to see you!