FCCW Building Guidelines – COVID Mitigation
Updated 3/17/22
Your Re-Gathering Team met this past week and have made the following decisions:
- Masks required — Sunday worship services & Ripley Chapel events
- Mask optional — during the week for church meetings, children and youth programs, and general building use
We’ve done this in consultation with our largest renters and Sarah Marino, our Office Manager who works in the hub of the church facility.
We are alerting our various renters that common areas in the church are mask-optional and asking them to follow the guidelines that are appropriate for their particular groups (i.e. CDC, EEC, State, etc…). Optional masking applies to all church meetings in the various common rooms. We are counting on everyone being gracious with one another and accepting of individual decisions. A meeting leader may request that all participants mask up if a member’s underlying medical status requires it. Whatever makes people feel most comfortable and safest is what we want to encourage!
Please come to worship on Sunday mornings with masks on. We want to keep singing out in our worship of God and welcoming in everyone no matter age or condition and feel we can best do that if we continue masking for worship for the time being. We will re-evaluate that after our big service on Easter.
As always we are open to feedback and appreciate your understanding of our efforts to keep our community connected, responsive and safe so we can welcome all with joy!
Your Re-Gathering Team
(Ed Banzy, Rev. Will Burhans, Regina Campbell, Kate Carpini, Jane Ring Frank, Sarah Gallop, Maggie Keeler, Sarah Marino, Bill McCarter, Kathy Mortensen, Susan Rozmanith, Jennie Ryan, and Kathleen Zagata)
Updated 10/18/21
- Volunteers and families should monitor themselves for symptoms and remain home when sick or if exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual within the past 14 days. It is irresponsible for a volunteer or family to attend an event if anyone is not feeling well. This is a safety issue for everyone. Symptoms include the following:
In the past 24 hours, have you or a family member had any of the following symptoms?
- Fever (temperature of 100.0F or above), felt feverish or had chills
- Cough
- Sore Throat
- Difficulty breathing
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- New loss of smell or taste
- New muscle aches
- Runny nose or congestion *
- Fatigue *
- Headache *
- Any other signs of illness *
*must be in combination with other symptoms to be cause for exclusion
- Masks must be worn indoors. Masks are optional outdoors but should be worn when physical distancing can’t be maintained. We ask that volunteers wear masks during drop-off and pick-up of donations and materials.
- Promote frequent hand hygiene. Volunteers and families are encouraged to wash their hands upon arrival and frequently throughout the event. Renters should provide hand sanitizer.
- Windows in the rental space will be open to allow for maximum ventilation (weather permitting).
- Air filters will run for the duration of the event (in spaces where they are available).
- Snacks and meals should be served outside (when possible). Eating inside is discouraged.
- Event spaces and bathrooms will be cleaned by FCCW Facilities before and after the event.