Home » Adult Ed » Apply to Be a Mentor to a Boston Young Adult
  • Apply to Be a Mentor to a Boston Young Adult

    Thanks to your generosity, the Outreach team provides much needed grants to organizations that address our values of justice, peace, and Christian love.  Our giving becomes more real when folks engage with these organization directly as volunteers, so we wanted to make you aware of a terrific volunteer opportunity.  One group our church supports is Year Up whose mission is to close the Opportunity Divide by empowering motivated urban young adults to move from minimum wage to meaningful careers in just one year, by ensuring that young adults gain the skills, experiences, and support necessary to reach their potential and thrive in professional careers and higher education.

    Students spend the first six months learning in-demand technical and professional skills before applying their skills during a six-month corporate internship. Throughout the program, students earn an educational stipend, complete coursework for college credits, and receive career guidance. During the internship, Year Up students are connected with a mentor who serves as a great sounding board and professional guide as they learn job skills and how to be effective in corporate America.


    Would you consider being a mentor to make a difference for a Boston young adult?  This means meeting with a Year Up student once a month to make a huge impact…and we are confident this impact with be both ways!!!


    Below is the link to apply  or explore if this is a volunteer opportunity of interest to you.


    Apply to be a MentorProvide added support to a student through their time in the program and as they transition into the professional world.

    o   Commitment: Once per month from November 2019 through November 2020

    o   Location: flexible

    o   Orientation: late October

    o   Deadline to apply: October 11

    o   Apply here: https://yugb.typeform.com/to/mQycU6


    Thanks for considering this opportunity.

    Your Outreach Committee:  Jody Collins Skinner, Laura Bailey, Janet Vaughn, Julia Daggett, Lisa Loughlin, Will Burhans, and Betsy Goodell
