Q&A Session: Sunday, January 26th at 11:30 AM
An informal presentation of FCCW’s proposed 2020 budget will be given in the Palmer Room on Sunday January 26th at 11:30 AM. This is a great opportunity to learn about how our budget works and to ask questions about our sources of revenue, how the proposed budget was created, what we have budgeted for every area of the church’s work, and anything else that might be of interest to you. Grab a cup of coffee from coffee hour and then come up to the Palmer Room to hear about this year’s proposed budget, as well as a recommendation from the Leadership Team to make funds available from the Steeple Income Temporarily Endowed Fund for the repair of the church steeple.
Congregational Vote: Sunday, February 2nd immediately after worship
After worship, members will gather in the sanctuary to vote on whether to accept the 2020 budget recommended by the Leadership Team for 2020, and to vote on the Leadership Team’s recommendation to make funds available from the Steeple Income Temporarily Endowed Fund for the repair of the church steeple. Please see the warrant for this special congregational meeting.
We are indebted to our Treasurer Bruce Lauterwasser, Associate Treasurer Anne Hoenicke, and the members of the Budget Working Group (Bruce Alexander – Facilities, Will Burhans – Ministry Team, Tom Roche – Financial Resources, Liz Sayre – Personnel, Jody Collins Skinner – Outreach, and Nick Wankowicz – Children & Youth Faith Formation) for their hard work, patience, and guidance in compiling the 2020 budget.
Thank you!
The Leadership Team: Moderator Sarah Gallop, Deirdre Giblin, David Peretti, Marty Rozmanith, Cindy Wankowicz, Jennifer Wilson, and Peter Woolford
Tags: budget