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  • Christmas Eve Services

    We are excited to be with you for Christmas Eve whether you have signed up to join us in-person or will join us through the live-stream link (see below)! At this point our intention despite the bad weather promised for later in the evening is to offer LIVE and STREAMED all 4 services at 4, 5, 6, and 7pm. Because we are limited to 50 people at the outdoor service, we ask that only those who have signed up, show up in-person. If you have signed up to attend, please look for another email coming to you with guidelines for attending. Also, everyone is encouraged to check emails coming from the church tomorrow in case we need to adjust both the in-person service and the live-stream due to weather.

    Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin Christmas Eve Dec 24 2020 (3)


    Watch the livestream here: bit.ly/fccwstream
