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  • Church School & Youth News Nov 5

    Dear all,
    Given the recent orders from the governor, and in keeping the safety of our families and youth in mind, we have begun the process of reorganizing and reimagining how our youth programs will look! It feels like just as we got in the swing of things, the rug’s been pulled out from under us; however, we are committed to weathering these uncertain times and coming up with ways to give our youth a community to learn about God’s love. That all being said, here are upcoming events for our Church youth:
    • Stepping Stones families will be sent more information in the coming days and weeks about our next meeting, which will be held on Sunday, November 22. What this looks like exactly and when it will be held is still being worked through, but it will be focused around Thanksgiving. Between now and then, however, there will be things sent out for your children and you to collaborate on in preparation for that Sunday!
    • Middle school youth group will be meeting virtually on Sunday, November 8th, from 11:30 am to 12:15 am. We will be getting together to play Among Us, which will be bookended by prayers and a brief discussion related to trust and community building. We are also setting up a Discord and Minecraft server to provide other informal settings for the middle school youth to interact in. Moving forward, we are hoping to do a mixture of in-person and online meetings. Stay tuned!
    • Forum will be meeting this Sunday, November 8th, from 7:30 to 9:00 pm for our much-anticipated night walk! We will be parking near Lynch Elementary School, doing our walk, and finishing with candles and prayers as usual. Hope to see you there!
    Thank you, as always, for entrusting part of your children’s parochial education to us. We are humbled by the support, devotion, and feedback of the community.
    Yours in spirit,