Home » Adult Ed » Join Us for our 182nd Annual Meeting after worship in the Sanctuary and livestream
  • Join Us for our 182nd Annual Meeting after worship in the Sanctuary and livestream

    Sunday, May 15, 2022

    Reflection and Renewal

    “Love one another… for I am making all things new!” ~Jesus



    Everyone is warmly invited to FCCW’s 182nd annual meeting on Sunday, May 15th, 20221 immediately after worship in the sanctuary and on Livestream. The agenda includes an update on strategic plan initiatives, expressions of gratitude and thanks,  and remarks and reflections from the Moderator and Lead Pastor.


    Please take the time to review the 2021-2022 annual report (May 15, 2022 (Our 182nd Annual Meeting) in advance of the meeting. It includes current information on church membership, reports of blessings and struggles from sustaining and living ministries, minutes from two congregational meetings (which we will vote whether to approve), and much more. At the meeting, we will remember those whom we have lost in our immediate and extended church family (see page 7 in the report and be sure to let us know if anyone special to you is missing).


    The annual meeting is an important moment in the life of the church where we take stock of our work and service and reflect on the beauty of our relationships with God and one another. See you there!


    With gratitude,

    Sarah Gallop, Moderator

    Marianne Carter, Clerk

    On behalf of the Leadership Team