This Sunday is our LAST (don’t tempt fate) – This Sunday is probably our LAST Zoom worship. As has been our habit, we gather for Communion on the first Sunday of the month in ‘person’. It’s, perhaps, fitting that we are reading from Exodus where the wandering in the wilderness is beginning to wear on the people. And they turn to Moses in complaint. As we are planning to gather in person next Sunday (August 8), God gives Moses a way to quiet the grumbling. In case you are grumbling about regathering too soon, or you’re away and planned on ‘watching’ worship, we are preparing for Live Streaming of services going forward. We who lead worship might be on a bit of learning curve but we’re committed to making ‘Hybrid’ worship work for everyone. Join us this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and we can celebrate God’s goodness and partake of Christ’s supper together – on Zoom.