The first week of Easter finds us with snow on the ground, but we know what lies beneath – new life breaking through cold ground and days “full of things that have never been.” We continue our walking theme even now in this Eastertide – especially now in this Eastertide! – as we celebrate the […]
You may have heard of the seven corporal works of mercy found in Matthew 25: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead. But, what if we also added giving and receiving the mercy of rest to Jesus’s list? In […]
We have a rich service on tap this Sunday as we welcome a child into the Christian fold through the sacrament of baptism, share in the sacrament of communion and light prayer candles for Lent. We’ll also reflect on Nicodemus coming to Jesus in the night and that most famous scripture of John 3:16. We […]
The first Sunday in February brings us back to the communion table and reflecting on how God speaks to us, how we listen, and how our own speech is impacted by that encounter. We are happy to welcome Jane Ring Frank back among us to lead the choir in song and she will be available for […]
Join us this Sunday in Ripley Chapel or online at 10am for our weekly worship service. We have a rich morning on tap with Christine Tresselt doing a hybrid sermon/sitting yoga session with us, Nancy Kneiss and family leading the music, and the sharing of communion. It’s been lovely to be in our beautiful Ripley […]
Join us for worship for the first Sunday of Lent and Communion. We’ll be returning to our tradition of coming forward to light prayer candles while we sing “Jesus Remember Me”. For those watching the livestream we will encourage you to write in the YouTube comments, the names and prayers that you are lifting up and candles will […]
Join us in-person in the sanctuary or on-line from wherever you are for our final summer service this weekend. Rev. Paul Rahmeier will be preaching on the greatest commandment and reminding us that “ALL God’s critters got a place in the choir!” We’ll also have communion with pre-packaged juice/wafer cups for those in the sanctuary and […]
This Sunday is our LAST (don’t tempt fate) – This Sunday is probably our LAST Zoom worship. As has been our habit, we gather for Communion on the first Sunday of the month in ‘person’. It’s, perhaps, fitting that we are reading from Exodus where the wandering in the wilderness is beginning to wear on the people. And […]
Join us for the 2nd Sunday of Easter as we gather together live on zoom for worship and communion at 10 am. Last week Easter fell on the first Sunday of the month so we decided to wait and hold communion this Sunday. You are encouraged to bring to the virtual worship space your own bread and cup so that […]
Join us live and on zoom this Sunday at 10 am for our communion worship service on this 3rd Sunday of Lent. We are going to do some jamming on the remarkable Psalm 19 and see how it can break us open to God’s presence in a new way. Bring to your worship space some bread and […]