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  • Note from Our Treasurer

    March 3, 2022

    Our Investment Funds are a great source of opportunity for us as a congregation and somewhat of a mystery to most of us.


    To summarize, we have an endowment of over $5 million dollars which supplements our pledges and rental income.  These funds have been established by those who have gone before us.


    Our 2022 operating budget estimated income is roughly $980K.   65% comes from pledges, 11% from rental and non-pledge gifts and 24% from our endowment.  We have decided as a church to take a rolling 3-year average of 5% of the general endowment for our budget which this year amounts to $234K.


    Approximately 80% of the endowment funds are general purpose use and 20% are designated purpose use.  There are approximately 15 of these designated purpose funds:  some are directed for facility maintenance use, some for flowers, some for youth, music, etc.  In fact, there is a fund to supplement any member of our congregation who wishes to go to seminary.


    Over the next few weeks, I will describe some of these funds and what opportunities they have provided for us.


    If you have any specific questions or comments, please contact me- Janet Hall.