Repair Cafe

The Environmental Ministry Team will be convening following worship on Sunday, February 23. We will be meeting in the Henry Room. Designer and Workshop Leader, Karen Bellacosa, will present a proposal and plan of action for starting up a Repair Cafe within FCCW and the wider community. As done by other organizations and communities, Repair Cafes “strive to reduce waste, develop a cadre of repairers through skill-sharing, and to build and strengthen community bonds.
Given Karen’s background and skill set, she is uniquely qualified to help FCCW work towards this goal of fostering sustainability while building community. All are invited to hear about this exciting new development!
Following Karen’s presentation, Barry will be presenting a template and proposal on designing and developing a Web Page for Environmental Ministries. We also are pleased to announce that Professor Dan Kuchma who teaches out of Tufts University is offering an 11th Hour Presentation on Renewable Energy here at FCCW on Earth Day Sunday, April 26.
Thanks to all of you for your commitment to the welfare and protection of God’s Good Creation!
Tags: repair cafe