For the past ten years our church community has been active with The Outdoor Church of Cambridge. The Outdoor Church is a homeless ministry throughout the city of Cambridge.
Each month when there is a fifth Sunday our church commits to sending 2-3 volunteers to join the ministers of The Outdoor Church to provide food, socks & conversation to those we meet on the streets of Harvard & Central Squares. Would you consider coming out this month? The time commitment is from about 1:30-5:45.
Our church community is also responsible for sending our volunteers with some of the sandwiches that they will distribute to the homeless as they walk through Cambridge. We’re asking folks to buy a loaf of bread & some of your favorite sandwich ingredients. Then prepare the sandwiches, put them into the same bread bag, label it so we know what’s inside & leave it in the refrigerator in the church kitchen anytime on Saturday, March 28th or anytime before 1:00 on Sunday, March 29th.
If you are able to help this month &/or if you have any questions, please contact Lisa Loughlin or 781-346-1241.