Dear Friends, FCC held its first ever “virtual” Spring Tea on May 27, 2020. As a church tradition to celebrate the arrival of spring, members enjoy fellowship, song, poetry and prayer over tea. Unique this year was that guests pour tea into their favorite cup at home. This gave the planning committee an idea! What if tea cups could talk? What stories might their owners tell? I invite you to listen – of course over a cup of your favorite beverage in your favorite cup- to the range of stories, life lessons and wisdom they held. Stories of life, love and connection are like spring bulbs that find their way to the light. They bloom hope. Enjoy the tonic this video holds.
Yes, it took a committee to plan the afternoon tea. I send special thanks to Anne, Keith, Christine, Leigh, Sarah, Terry and Jim. To my fellow ministers, Will, Jane, Judy and Ben, each year I appreciate your talents and support. And, this year given the virtual nature of the event, I zoom a heartfelt thank you for the craft and commitment of Zoomketeers Bruce Alexander and video editor Andy Spiegel.
Enjoy, Kathleen Zagata, Health & Wellness Minister FCC- Winchester, MA
P.s: Name Correction of Note: Photo of Rev Judy Arnold and Ruth Emery serving tea.
Tags: tea