Spring is always an exciting time in the life of the church, as we reflect on the year so far, and begin making plans for the coming year. There is lots of change in the air as we build on our traditions while discovering new ways to work and worship.
We received an update from the Music and Worship Arts Committee, which has been working with architect David Torrey to develop plans based on the congregation’s vision for Ripley Chapel. While we are excited about the options presented, there may also be ways to begin making the chapel a more flexible, usable space on a shorter timeline and more modest budget. The working group will present an update at the Annual Meeting to receive guidance and feedback from the congregation.
The Leadership Team has been working in concert with the Purpose Forum to ensure that fellowship events important to the life and growth of the congregation continue to happen consistently. After discussion with the Ministry Team, we would like to commit to scheduling one event, such as Town Day or the Progressive Dinner, per quarter. Coordinators and ministries willing to contribute will be sought for each event, and a final decision will be made based on interest.
After discussion with the Ministry Team, we have decided to streamline the size of the leadership team to better facilitate discussion, prioritize lay leadership, and direct staff time where it is needed most. An ordained minister, either Will or Judy, will join us for each meeting to represent the views of the Ministry Team, while other members will join us on an as-needed basis depending on the agenda for each meeting.
The Leadership Team is also working with the Nominating Committee to recommend new members for the Leadership Team, and is hard at work planning of the Annual Meeting on May 7.