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  • Summer….Time for the Young!

    Weekly Devotionals

    As you’ve hopefully seen this week, we will be sending through email 10-minute weekly devotionals for children and families throughout the summer. These include a little snippet of scripture, a brief reflection on it, a couple of questions for families to discuss, and a prayer. We will also try to include – as we did this week – the previous Sunday’s Time for the Young – for an engaging and at times interactive video to keep your families feeling connected to church and God.



    Movie Nights

    We are aiming to have a couple of movie nights on the church lawn, Friday, July 24th and Friday, August 14th. We have figured out how to do this and keep physically distant and it looks like 20 families can come each night – circles will be marked in the lawn. There will be a sign-up genius that will go out in the next couple of weeks along with movie titles!





    During the week of August 3-7, we will have a brief daily faith-based storytime and conversation for children on zoom, led by Rev. Will or Rev. Judy and one of the Stepping Stones teachers. We will send out more information about the times and the themes in July.


    We hope you all have a blessed summer and might tune in as you are able!

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