In an attempt to improve staff efficiency and streamline the process of handling building and property related issues around the church, the facilities staff, in conjunction with the Facilities Ministry, has created a simple form that can be accessed by all congregation members, tenants and visitors to report problems in and around the church. The form will be launched next week. Once completed, the form will be forwarded to the Facilities Chair and Building Manager for prioritization and assignment of the requested task. The tasks reported can be as simple as a tree limb that has fallen on the lawn, a leaking faucet, untreated sidewalk, etc. The form is not to be used for room requests. Although we do have an updated version of that form here: FCCW Room Setup Form.
As we approach the Lenten Season, with increased church activities, it is important to know the schedules of the facilities staff to better understand when and where assistance can be provided to the congregation for Bible Studies, prayer meetings, meditations, committee presentations and other spiritual programs.
The facility staff consists of Christine Atkins, who works 6 hours a week, generally on Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning. Christine is responsible for cleaning the Chidley kitchen and second floor kitchenette, sanitizing the railings, door knobs and pews, cleaning the numerous glass surfaces, general dusting and other light duty cleaning in the building.
Bill Lewis is our Building Superintendent and works 25 hours per week. Bill generally works on Monday & Friday from 6-11 am; Tuesday from 1-4 pm and Wednesday from 6 am -12 pm. Bill also opens the church every Sunday at 7 am and closes at 1 pm. He is responsible for the heavy duty cleaning around the church such as bathrooms; vacuuming, mopping, room set up & break downs for events and also repair of minor projects that do not require the services of a specific contractor.
Ed Banzy is the Building Manager and generally is in the church on Monday & Thursday from 9 am-1 pm and Wednesday from 9 am-4:30 pm. Ed’s additional hours are spent in the monthly Facilities Ministry meetings, schedule planning, contractor coordination and scheduling, contract reviews, rental coordination, ordering supplies, programming door & gate schedules and review of building use procedures. Ed also jumps in to assist in minor repairs and room set up & break down as needed. He also works with all the building tenants to understand their needs and satisfy their demands within the scope of their contracts.