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  • Zoom Communion (Jan 3, 2021)

    A lot of pressure is being put on 2021 to be the year that redeems 2020. Of course, the arbitrary line between one year and another does not promise that a tick of the clock will erase pain and problems. But as the first Sunday in 2021, this Sunday offers the opportunity to start the year with a sacrament which tells Christ’s story in word and in action. Sharing bread and juice on Zoom is a declaration that Christ’s life among us continues. The gospel words: “He became flesh and walked among us” are the boldest words ever spoken. This Sunday we will look at the promise God made in the Hebrew Scriptures and the fulfilment of that promise in John’s Gospel. Pastor Will will be doing the Time for the Young and the prayers of the people. As is our practice with Zoom worship, we will join smaller gatherings in breakout rooms following the service. The scripture this Sunday is Jeremiah 31:7-14 and John 1:1-18. Join us via the Zoom link below.


    Zoom Worship