We started our December meeting with some reflections on the many dimensions of the word “giving” as it appears in the Bible. It felt like a fitting way to enter the Christmas season.
It was especially gratifying, then, to receive an update from Treasurer Bruce Lauterwasser and hear that the congregation has given so generously thus far in pledging for next year. Bruce and the budget committee are close to having a draft budget to present to the Leadership Team, and we look forward to reviewing it in January in preparation for a congregational vote.
We also received an update from Bruce Alexander on behalf of the Ripley Chapel Working Group, which also hopes to present to the congregation shortly. Armed with direction from the Annual Meeting, the committee has been working with architect David Torrey to price and narrow design options that fit with our collective vision and budget.
Finally, as we work to present revised bylaws to reflect our new structure, we discussed term limits for important leadership positions in the church, particularly key, time-intensive positions such as Treasurer and Moderator. We agreed that these crucial roles could use a “Vice” chair that would overlap for some period of time to ensure an orderly transition with ample time for knowledge transfer. We shared the outcome of our discussion with the Bylaws working group for their consideration and inclusion.
There is truly much to be thankful for and much to look forward to in the New Year!