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Charity EIN: 04-2104066

We are thrilled and grateful to have your participation in the financial support of the church and its mission. Any gift is greatly appreciated.

Visit this link to make a secure, confidential pledge – a statement of your intention for 2023 financial support of the church.

How are our financial resources used to support our ministries and mission?

100% of the dollars we contribute through pledges and other gifts support the ministries and mission of First Congregational Church. Beyond the annual budget, members and friends also give generously to direct appeals at Easter, Christmas and other special events that support neighbors in need. By the grace and power of God, the goal of everything we do is to help people’s lives for the better—within and beyond our doors.

How Can I Make a Gift?

There are many ways you make a gift to the church:

  • Venmo
  • Vanco for Electronic Funds Transfer (an automated, periodic method)
  • Write a check
  • Cash in the offering plate during Worship
  • Giving appreciated stock
  • Use Paypal (3% fee deducted from your payment amount)

Gifts may be given in a variety of ways. They may be given in the form of weekly offerings in the plate during the worship service (check or cash). They can also be mailed to the church directly. Also, many families choose to give electronically as a greener approach to giving. Electronic giving provides convenience for the giver, consistency for the church, and reduction in the resources used to process paper checks. As you consider the payment method you use to make your regular offering, we hope that you will think about the connection between financial stewardship and environmental stewardship.

Use Venmo!
Venmo is a mobile payment service owned by PayPal that allows users to transfer money to one another and businesses (including FCCW) using a free app that you download to your phone, or logging on via your computer. It’s sort of a digital wallet. Venmo includes an optional social networking interaction; it was created so friends could quickly split bills, whether it is for movies, dinner, rent, tickets, etc.

Are there fees for Venmo?
There are no fees if you send money using your Venmo balance, bank account, debit card, or prepaid card, it’s free! 

If you pay by using a credit card, then there is a 3% fee. You can use Venmo to pay your pledge, pay for flowers, a mission trip, or contribute to any special collection. Just be sure to indicate what the money is for when you make your payment.

How do I get started with Venmo?
You will need a mobile number to create a Venmo account. Search “Venmo” in the App store or go to Venmo.com from your computer. The instructions are easy to follow. Once you are set up, on the menu, click “search people” and look for First Congregational Church in Winchester.

Venmo Privacy Concerns? 
When you make a payment or donation, it is set to private.

Use Vanco for EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)
Electronic giving through Vanco EFT is a green giving approach that provides convenience for the giver, consistency for the church, and reduction in the resources used to process paper checks.

Simply complete and return an Electronic Giving Authorization Form to the church office to get started.

Write a Check
Simply make your check payable to The First Congregational Church in Winchester, and drop it in the offering plate on Sunday morning. You can also mail it to the church at 21 Church Street, Winchester MA 01890.  Be sure to indicate what the money is for on the memo line – your pledge, for flowers in honor of a loved one, a mission trip, or a contribution to any special collection or designated purpose invested fund.

Give Appreciated Stock
Consult your tax advisor regarding the benefits, but in general, using appreciated securities to make a charitable donation can have favorable tax benefits to the donor (in addition to serving important charitable purposes!). For assistance with the logistics, please contact treasurer Janet Hall.

Use PayPal
PayPal deducts a 3% fee for each donation made to the church. So, if your intention is to donate say, $100 to the church, consider ‘grossing up’ your PayPal donation to $103, so that $100 goes to FCCW. (Remember, Venmo has no fees so 100% of a Venmo donation automatically reaches the church.)

Use a Planned Giving Approach
Gifts may also be given in the form of bequests, memorial gifts and planned giving arrangements. The church maintains a set of designated purpose invested funds that support areas such as facilities maintenance, flowers, mission & outreach, music, the Pastors & Deacons’ fund for those in need in the church and community, youth programming, health ministry, the Reno garden, and divinity scholarships.

Learn more about planned giving

Charity EIN: 04-2104066

Thank you!

Giving News