An Open Door of Blessing

Dear Friends in Christ,
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
The Beatitudes are recited from time to time in our culture (even the Monty Python folks have had a crack at them!). But there must be a way to read them that opens up their evocative spirituality … and their transforming social vision.
For this retreat we will read them poetically, pausing with the challenges and surprises of the text. We will react to the first beatitude with a poem, take time to share our insights with another person, and listen for the voice of God in silence.
It is the hope of this retreat that we can slow our sense of time and discover God’s voice in just ninety minutes together.
If you have a phone … or a larger device … you will be able to participate with our “zoom” meeting wherever you are. There will be time to listen to the scripture, to add poetry and another scripture to the mix and to share in two’s and three’s. We will round out our time with a good period of silence and a chance to check in on what we have been hearing.
If this appeals to you, join us for either one of two sessions:
Monday October 19 from 10 am to 11:30
Monday October 26 from 7 pm to 8:30 pm.
The retreat leader is Rev. Jonathan Carey Goodell. Jonathan is a member of First Congregational Church in Winchester. His relationship with poetry over the years has slowed and deepened his relationship with the natural world, connected him to others and given him a slant on spirituality and grace.
Friday October 16 for the first retreat
and Friday October 23 for the second retreat.
There is no fee for the retreat and the experience is hosted by the Health and Wellness Ministry of First Congregational Church.
Tags: retreat