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  • Contemplative Retreat in Nature



    On Tuesday, I walked trails at the Church of the Woods, site of our upcoming nature retreat. Sights and sounds of spring are all around.  Fifteen participants have registered for the May 17-18 Retreat and on Friday night nine additional church members will join us for the Introduction to Creation Centered Contemplative Practices presented by Mark Kutolowski, Retreat Leader and Outdoor Guide.

    Interested in participating?  We have four opening for the May 17-18 retreat.  Registration link is available on the FCC website or email me at kathleenzag@gmail.com.

    Kathleen Zagata,

    Health & Wellness Minister

    What is special about the Church of the Woods?

    Church of the Woods is a new kind of church on 106 acres of wild woods and wetlands in Canterbury, NH. In calling our woods a church, Rev. Blakmer explains “We are deliberately trying to crack open what it means to be “church.”   This is a place where the earth itself, rather than a building, is the bearer of sacredness, a place where people gather for contemplative practice in communion with each other and nature, a  place where people come together to learn, explore, and take action to transform themselves and renew the Earth.

    May 17-18 Retreat to Nature: The Friday evening program is 7-9 pm in the Palmer Room and the Full Day Saturday Program is held at the Church of the Woods.  We will car pool from the FCC parking lot Saturday morning at 8:15 am and return by 5:30 pm.

    A FEW REGISTRATIONS are available for the MAY 17-18 Retreat.  Please register right away! The cost of the Friday Evening and Saturday Retreat is $50.  A brochure is available here and printed copies are available in the church lobby. Register here .

    For more information and a Q&A, click here :CONTEMPLATIVE RETREAT IN NATURE QA 2019

    Questions? Contact Kathleen by email or at 781-729-9180.