In past years as Lent approached, I wrote about “taking up” a Lenten health practice. It might have been fasting after dinner until breakfast, balancing work with exercise or beginning each day with Centering Prayer. These practices replace worn out routines with healthy lifestyle choices. By all means approach Lent 2019 by making one of these practices your own especially if your inner health coach concurs.
This Lent I write to bring attention to a specific opportunity that awaits us, namely the Sunday Worship Seven Deadly Sins Series. I admit it took me time to warm up to this idea, but I am now a believer. What seemed like a daunting task has fast become a labor of love. Whether discussing anthems, sermons, prayer time or hymns, creative energy is at work among the Ministry Team. I am especially pleased that the Health Ministry Healing Service falls within the series.
My prayer is for each of us to allow the Lenten scriptures to speak and invite self examination. What’s eating at me? Often the very weight of the question leaves one numb, dismissive or myopic to the erosion that has occurred body, mind and spirit. Whether from denial, shame or lack of practice, God is often excluded from the Q & A.
On Communion Sundays in response to the unison Prayer of Confession, I read an Assurance of Forgiveness. It never fails to remind me of the Divine compassion and mercy that is ever- present. As we seek to confess our sins this Lent let us remember:
In Faith,