It’s been a few weeks since our last report, and, boy, has there been progress! Those of you who have taken advantage of a few recent opportunities to take a peak into the chapel (such as after Worship some Sundays) have walked away feeling the same excitement that your Ripley Chapel Working Group has been feeling lately. We are racing to the goal of substantial completion by the middle of October, just in time for our Celebration and Re-dedication of Ripley Chapel on Friday, October 18, 2019 at 7:30 PM.
Substantial completion means that almost everything will be completed and, most importantly, we can begin using the space. The things that will not be completed will be the new Chapel door (due by the end of October), the new Ripley Entrance door (due in November) and perhaps a few items on the inevitable punch list that one always has at the end of any project.
This week the new oak trim was installed. This modest feature consists of rails that run at the level of the window sills along the walls and vertical elements that run down to the baseboard. The horizontal edge of the trim is a picture rail which can be used to hang art for shows we might hold in the chapel. Or even contributions from the kids and youth for a service of their own design. While the trim is modest in one way the effect is monumental in that it is transformative and creates a warmth and a connecting of all the corners (literally) of the room. Closet doors and a radiator enclosure in the chancel was delivered made of the same oak wood and will tie in the chancel to the whole. Those items will be installed in the next few days.
The new railings for the steps to the chancel have been installed.
Yesterday (Wednesday) the floor work began. The old quarry tile was being prepared for the laying of the engineered wood flooring made by Nydree. It is made from Walnut with an oil finish and will tie in the floor to the similar colored beams in the ceiling. As you might know, a floor is one of the last things to be completed. That means the room really will be ready for us in just a little while. We can’t wait – hopefully the anticipation is growing in you as well.
Ripley Chapel Working Group: Rev. Will Burhans, Rev. Judy Arnold, Jane Ring Frank, Carolyn Plosky, Bruce Alexander (project leader).
Tags: construction, railings, Ripley Chapel, safety