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Category Archives: Latest News

  • Third Thursdays from Racial Justice

    Posted on July 15, 2021 by in Latest News, Outreach, Racial Justice

    Thursday, July 15, 2021 We get it: racial justice is a heavy and complex topic, laden with centuries of grief, horror, guilt, and despair. Facing into it can feel overwhelming, painful, even hopeless. And anyway, what role could we as a relatively small, privileged, predominantly white suburban Protestant congregation possibly have in redressing systemic racism, individually or collectively?   […]

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  • Ruth Group

    Posted on July 13, 2021 by in Adult Ed, Latest News, Small Groups

    Ruth Group is a book group open to all women of the church. Please consider joining us on the third Sundays of the month at 7 PM throughout the program year. We next meet September 19th when we will be discussing The Overstory by Richard Powers. It’s a long book so we thought we’d give […]

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  • Join Us for Communion on Zoom

    Posted on July 1, 2021 by in Latest News, Worship

    Join us to begin your 4th of July in worship of God as we gather on zoom for our monthly communion service. Rev. Will will lead us from the sanctuary and along with sharing in the act of communion together we will reflect on how Jesus was received by his home town once he began his public […]

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  • A Regathering Update!

    Posted on July 1, 2021 by in Health and Wellness, Latest News, Worship

    The Regathering Team has been meeting throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and is pleased to convey these updates to the congregation:   Summer Worship During the month of July, worship will continue on Zoom. With hearts full of cautious optimism, we are looking forward to worshiping in the sanctuary starting on August 8th. We invite people […]

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