Each week, the FCCW Choir will provide a movement of Haydn’s dramatic and moving oratorio, Die sieben letzen Worte des Erlösers am Kreuze (The Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross), Hob.XX:2. Originally composed as an orchestral work in 1786, Haydn subsequently made a string quartet arrangement, solo keyboard version and, finally, an oratorio for vocal soloists, chorus, and orchestra.To begin each movement or “word,” you will hear a short chorale-like episode (in German, corresponding to the text of the 7 last words), written in traditional chant style, with no meter or rhythm. We have placed the “chant” before the sermon. The movement offered immediately following the sermon is Haydn’s own anguished reflection on the corresponding “word” or “sentence.” We are blessed to welcome the Aryaloka String Quartet to our chancel each week during Lent: Beth Welty, violin; Mark Latham, violin; Noralee Walker, viola; Joel Wolfe, guest cellist. With our own Jeffrey Mead at the organ, we have an opportunity to meaningfully and prayerfully explore these beautiful 7 last words.
Tags: Crucifixion, Jesus, lent, Lenten Sermon Series, Luke, Seven Words