The Spire is published six times per year, and is a vehicle for communicating team and ministry news within our church community, as well as a place for seasonal spiritual content. If you have something to include, get in touch with Nancy. Upcoming events are featured in the weekly church email, and should be directed to Sarah in the office.
Interested in contributing something? Mark your calendars with these content deadlines.
Advent & Christmas (Vol. 65, No. 6)
Lent & Easter 2018 (Vol. 65, No. 2)
Winter 2018 (Jan-Feb) (Vol. 65, No. 1)
Advent & Christmas 2017 (Vol. 64, No. 11)
November 2017 (Vol. 64, No. 10)
September 2017 (Vol. 64, No. 8)
February 2017 (Vol. 64, No. 2)
December 2016 (Vol 63, Num.11)
November 2016 (Vol. 63, Num. 10)
October 2016 (Vol. 63, Num. 9)
Addendum to October 2016 Vol. 63, Num. 9
September 2016 (Vol. 63, Num. 8)
July-August 2016 (Vol. 63, Num. 7)